Saturday, September 18, 2010

Flesh & Bone: Gastrocnemius & the Sphenoid

For the first Muscle & Bone of the Week we will look at Gastrocnemius & the Spehnoid.

addressed by the name 'calf' or 'calf muscle' it is a powerful plantar-flexor of the foot & knee flexor. Its origin is superior to the articular surfaces of the lateral & medial condyles of the femur. It inserts into the posterior calcaneus via the calcaneal tendon or Achilles tendon.
Its nerve supply is the Tibial Nerve from the sciatic (specifically nerve roots s-1 & s-2)
Its arteries are the sural arteries.
Its associated meridian is the Triple Heater

The Sphenoid, from the Greek word sphenoeides, which means "wedgelike". The sphenoid is sometimes referred to as the 'keystone' of the cranial floor because of it's contact with all the other cranial bones. It is located at the base of the occipital bone and in front of the temporal bone. It has two greater wings & two lesser wings. It can be palpated at the temples where it articulates with the temporal bone.

David Malin, creator of Body Math™ has developed an "inner opening technique" which is "a method of reaching the sphenoid bone and manipulating it with a balloon to release restriction patterns in the body. Restrictions may involve physical health, mental health, emotional well-being, or they may be spiritual in nature. By manipulating the sphenoid bone to release the inner being, the patient is opened up to a new level of healing."

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