Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sestina for a Neuron

The sestina began in the 12th century by the troubadours as a poetic form celebrating courtly love. It is attributed to the the Provencal troubadour Arnaut Daniel. The Neuron was discovered in the 19th century by a few minds but credited to mainly to a Spaniard named Santiago Ramón y Cajal who won the 1906 Nobel in medicine with Camillo Golgi.

Sestina for a Neuron
even stillness involves so many instances of signal
synaptic sojourn of sense of body electric
dendritic pathways aft & fore though not by wood these branches
if merely one pulse of think you thought then inside a cell
imprisoned there to never blink blue eyes, smell clipped grass; carry
yourself across the bridge upon these many millions of firing feet of nerve

backbone, boldness, fortitude & pluck a turn of nerve
the audacity of a thirsting body & then quiet, stealthy signal
those lightning channels open & close to carry
the balance it takes to stand the swoon of blooming cherry branches
our unlike anybody-elseness built upon the backs of one cell
after the other holding fast in unseeable & seeming dark under-flash electric

if we are but only these pieces & parts, particles charged electric
then by fragment & fleck might we find our face or the nerve
to find that freedom is not outside our cell
but within it; while these reaches to distant dying stars as signal
to the sky to reveal itself for the anatomy of life only forks & branches
the root is ever traceable, take your hand toward the Sun let it carry

you back; to atomics & everafter then the way the pain will carry
itself along having began perhaps in the hand or heart electric
lines laid down, up, like limbs of trees sense the sky with its branches
light, pressure of eagle’s eyrie, prick of pin or break of heart from nerve
to nerve until we know it hurts. react. halt. heed. send a signal
what we mean when we say ouch begins with a single cell

O soma O axon O neuron; how do we know thee cell?
are you not every word heard, bird seen, song we carry
through the thick & fragrant air a smoke signal
of life stretches out a travel under skin an electric
impulse through bone, muscle, organ, brought to life by the nerve
ever reaching out O little fingers of the branches

to sense, then to move, we animated & too like branches
sway outstretched at either end; how meager then the merely cell
its neural image found in gardens green deciduous et al our nature’s nerve
a fecund forest found to be then how the earth may carry
all that’s sensed & all that’s seen and even here electric
this ball of blue itself alive with anatomic signal

it were no dream this symmetry of branches, nor of carry
out across the cell divides a sign or impulse signal
for all that lives knows nerve enough imbued with life electric

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